Thursday, August 30

Celebrity crushes are not something I experience often, but my god, I am feeling the love right now.

Her name is Jemima Kirke.

Jemima plays Jessa in the HBO series Girls (watch it, it will blow your mind) but is foremost an artist and overall radical human being - well, she's radical in my fantasies anyway...

According to Jemima, Jessa's bohemian personality is somewhat inspired by her own - which is why I love her so dearly.

Then there is this...

'In order of importance: 1.Self, 2. Marriage, 3. Child. Of course all are as important as each other, but neglecting the one before is a disservice to the one after' - Jemima Kirke

If we all lived by this mantra I think the population would be far happier and far more balanced - with the possibility of world peace and an end to hunger... just sayin'. 

Last but certainly not least, her beauty and her style. Completely original, completely effortless and just the right amount of I don't give a ****.

When I grow up I want to be just like Jemima.


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