Wednesday, February 13

So, South East Asia...

I could sit here and write for hours but I know that 98% of the people in my life are busy having a life so I think I'll take the high road and use sentences instead of stories. These are basically the first things that pop into my head when I ask myself what I liked the most about my trip..

The colour and the atmosphere in the temples.

Near death experiences in buses, on motorbikes and on bicycles.

The smell of burning incense.

The people, everywhere.

The untouched mountains along the Mekong in Laos.

My heartrate while crossing the road in Hanoi for the first time.

Surviving all the road crossings that followed.

Markets and bars.

The sunset in Halong Bay, and in Pakbeng, and Luang Prabang.

"Tuk tuk?!"

Waterfalls, islands, rivers and floating villages.

The history.

Papaya salad and every other vegetarian meal ever served in south-east asia...ever.

And for everyone who asks the trivial question, 'what was your favourite place?', I have a few.
Luang Prabang, Laos
Hoi An, Vietnam and
Siem Reap, Cambodia

I could have stayed for months in all of these places, and after I've seen the rest of the world I fully intend to go back.

For now though, I've started saving for a year long exchange in Edinburgh in 2014 and as much as I love home, I cannot wait to be stepping onto a plane again.