'Did you know that it's impossible to gain enough protein from a plant-based diet?'
'Did you know that vegetarians have a shorter life expectancy than meat-eaters?'
'Did you know that humans evolved because we ate red meat?'
Firstly, congratulations on being ignorant and obnoxious. Now, would you please shut the fuck up?
Mentioning that I don't eat meat is not an invitation for you to attempt to drag me back onto the steak'n'bacon wagon, just like I don't take your 12-pack of chicken nuggets as a queue to talk about battery hens.
It's quite simple really, as human beings we can choose to harvest animals for nutritional gain, or we can choose not to - and each person's decision is entirely their own business.
But since we're on the topic, add this fun fact to your list: a healthy human diet consists of meat only 2 or 3 times a week. So, until your diet fits that criteria, save your 'yeah, but my Daddy says' bullshit for when you're lying in bed, digesting a double cheeseburger and diet coke, convincing yourself that you're healthier than a vegetarian.
As for all the respectful meat-eaters out there - the ones who are able to have a civilised discussion without shoving their opinions down my throat - thank you. The ability to accept and respect another person's choices is an extremely admirable trait.